I’ve enjoyed a diverse vocational journey, which has allowed the opportunity to serve in a few different contexts. However, there is a common thread which is discernible along the way. I delight in creating opportunities for people to discover who they were created to be, cultivate their potential, and nurture growth in service to God and others. I've pursued this goal in three primary ways; pastoral ministry (including chaplaincy), educational service, and non-profit leadership.
I am a student of human behavior. This study is both formal and informal.
The pursuit of my doctorate is something that has long been a dream. The dream is slowly becoming a reality.
I'm known by many as a technology geek. I've taught technology classes, built online courses, and I've watched the spinning wheel or progress bar on a computer more hours than I'd like to admit.
I like Macs, but I've never owned one because I'm too cheap. Besides, today Windows can do anything a Mac can do, and do it for much less money.
I enjoy shooting photos and video, building websites, and teaching others how to do the same. I'm a Canon guy.
I can often be found streaming old sci-fi episodes. A significant fathering moment was when my children could accurately identify classic sci-fi characters as they watched with me.
I love being in nature. But I'm not a crazy hike for weeks or mountain climbing guy. I love to camp with an RV and enjoy nature with a refrigerator and private bathroom. We've had big and small RV's but currently have none. My wife and I dream of eventually getting a camper van and cruising the U.S.
My wife Jill is a pharmacist, I proposed to her the day she graduated with her doctorate. She doesn't like me to point out that she's a doctor (of pharmacy), but I'm proud of her. Jill is a Seattle Sounders soccer club fanatic. She thinks I'm weird because I’ll choose fruit desserts over chocolate any day. Jill and I have two children Sadie and Theron.
Sadie is a very skilled soccer player. She's competitive, and has been since she was born. She's is now a college student and never disappoints with grades. She has a quick wit and mastery of the sarcastic arts. She's careful to choose good friends.
Theron is a free spirit. He loves to make people laugh. He lives in the moment. His sport is soccer, and more specifically the goalkeeper. He has a tender heart, and often sticks up for the underdog.
Muffy is our dog, she's a Goldendoodle. Believe it or not we found her at the pound! It's a good thing she's cute, because she likes to eat socks.